Re: Asking for comments about the Cute Editor and DNN

  •  02-14-2008, 12:21 AM

    Re: Asking for comments about the Cute Editor and DNN

    Thanks for the prompt reply Adam,
    I should be clear that I'm looking to implement a new editor "out of the box". By that I mean... whilst I'm perfectly capable of configuring the editor, I'm completely unable to develop or extend any functionality myself. I'm reliant on what has already been developed.
    I've had a couple more thoughts since, if that's ok:
    1. Is the provider aware of portal-specific settings that one can set in DNN, such as the per-portal disk-space limit? If I have one portal that has been granted unlimited space and another that is restricted to 30Mb, does the provider know this and if so, does it provide a useful notice when someone attempts to breach the limit?
    2. When one inserts a link using the FCK editor, the popup dialogue lets one select pages from the portal. Does this editor do that or does one have to browse to pages in another window and copy and paste such internal links.
    3. If it does let one link to internal pages by providing a list or something, does the list respect DNN page view permissions for the user and will it therefore hide invisible pages and admin pages?
    4. Do any of the popups, property dialogues, or the image editor, trigger the standard browser popup-blockers? I'm not concerned about third party blockers, but would would prefer if users did not have to disable default blockers in the standard browsers. This has been a usability problem with the FCK provider.
    5. And finally: I downloaded a zip called "NukeEdit4" for testing. What is the limitation for using this... does it only run on localhost?
    Thanks again for any comments
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