Re: problems with CuteEditorDefaultFilesPath

  •  02-13-2008, 12:10 PM

    Re: problems with CuteEditorDefaultFilesPath

    please try to read my question carefully and try to understand my problem.. what you are suggesting cannot workable for me..
    before posting my question, i preferred to search in this forum first.. and gone through with this answer already..
    what you are suggesting cannot work for me..
    i repeat: there can be only one web.config file for an application.. but i need to use seperate copies of the editor with in the same application to share the load..
    you suggested this;
    <add key="CuteEditorDefaultFilesPath" value="~/editor" />
    using your suggession, only one copy of editor can work... please try to understand this my problem;
    But my problem is;
    for an application, there can only be a single web.config file obviously...
    And i need to use the seperate copies of the editor with in the same application to share the load..
    how i need is, some pages will use this one editor;
    but some pages will  use this one editor;

    So, kindly let me know, is this possible to use seperate copies of the editor within the same application.. If YES, then how? kindly suggest...
    nadir ali shah
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