problems with CuteEditorDefaultFilesPath

  •  02-13-2008, 11:43 AM

    problems with CuteEditorDefaultFilesPath

    As you mentioned in your several posts that FilesPath property has been obsoleted..
    And now you suggested to several customers to change the editor path like this;
    <add key="CuteEditorDefaultFilesPath" value="~/Editor" /> on web.config appsettings..
    But my problem is;
    for an application, there can only be a single web.config file obviously...
    And i need to use the seperate copies of the editor with in the same application to share the load..
    how i need is, some pages will use this one editor;
    but some pages will  use this one editor;

    So, kindly let me know, is this possible to use seperate copies of the editor within the same application.. If YES, then how? kindly suggest...

    waiting for your great response..


    Nadir Ali Shah
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