URLType not supported by by editor object

  •  02-13-2008, 11:40 AM

    URLType not supported by by editor object

    I have a problem trying to make Cute Editor use absolute URLs. I have the following, but it causes an error 500 -
    Object doesn't support this property or method: 'URLType'.
    Here is my ASP. Everything works fine except the URLType parameter:
      'Setup and display the CuteEditor
      Dim editor
      Set editor = New CuteEditor
      editor.ID = "chr_EmailBody"
      editor.Text = objEmail.chr_EmailBody
      editor.FilesPath = "../CuteEditor_Files"
      editor.URLType = "Absolute"
      editor.EditorBodyStyle = "font:normal 11px arial;"
      editor.EditorWysiwygModeCss = "xyz.css"
      editor.AutoConfigure = "xyz"
      editor.SecurityPolicyFile = "xyz.config"
      editor.Width = "770"
      editor.Height = "400"
    Any ideas?
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