Re: Upgrading from version 3 to 4

  •  02-13-2008, 10:41 AM

    Re: Upgrading from version 3 to 4

    Oh I will have further questions.  Moving to new threads...
    Regarding the schema changes:
    1. Where are the canned messages stored?
    2. You've stated in other threads that all the v4 data is stored in tables prefixed by CuteChat4_..., but why are the users stored in a table named SampleUsers?
    3. Which if any of the old v3 tables can be deleted?
    4. Would it really have been that much work to build an import routine?  Essentially you added one row to the previous users table.
    5. The 'deployment' documentation should reflect that there is no upgrade path so everyone will know not to pollute their old v3 database with v4 changes.

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