Custom Links - CMS

  •  02-08-2008, 3:47 PM

    Custom Links - CMS

    Hi guys,
    We're looking into building a mini CMS for one of our sites. This site allows custom URLs (with URL rewriting) with the content and pages in a database. So the client can change a page's url from "/folder/page1.aspx" to "/otherfolder/page2.aspx" by simply using the interface in the admin section.

    Now, the problem is linking between pages. All the links in the HTML blocks are pretty much hardcoded. If the client renames a page we would have broken links, and we're trying to avoid that.

    As a solution we're looking at preventing direct links; so instead of href="" we would have something like href="{{node:332}}". Then the parser would go through all the links in the page and replace those with actual URLs.
    Is it possible to do this with CuteEditor; I mean when the user clicks on the "Browse" button we would have a list of pages in the site (sitemap)? What would we need to change? Is there an example on how to do this?
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