Custom Tags

  •  01-25-2005, 6:22 AM

    Custom Tags

    Hi all !

    First, i want to thank you for your great product !!

    i want to ask you if there is any possibility to Use Custom Tags (Like ASP.NET Tags) for editing?

    for example  (In HTML Mode)

        <CUSTOM:TAG Value=''Blabla"/>
        <%= MyValue %>

    this Tag should Be Colored In Visual Mode, and could be encapsulated inside others regulars Tags ..  HREF="<CUSTOM:TAG "

    Theses tags should Be added with Custom Button, and the code behind will process Them Later !!

    Actually, Cute Editor replaces special characters and erase tags like <%= Toto %>

    Is This function already existant ? planned ? easyly addable via JS tweaking ?

    Thanks for all
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