Re: 'ox19e is not a function' javascript error

  •  02-07-2008, 9:12 AM

    Re: 'ox19e is not a function' javascript error

    Cleared cache and also used several different machines - still happens every time. On IE you get the "Runtime Error" do you wish to debug. Big bummer for our users (now numbering in the thousands...)
    place cursor on anything
    select "style" option off of tag breadcrumb menu at bottom of editor (not "properties")
    close style dialog w/ ok button
    Are you setup to trap javascript errors in your browser?
    Test it with IE and make sure you have not disabled script debugging in Advanced Options.
    Does not happen in FF on Mac - but that version does not let you open the style dialog from the style menu option.
    Same is true in Safari. Both only offer flyout menus - you can't click on "Style" menu item.
    I did notice this though on FF/Win and IE/Win: the Properties dialog appears to be the same as the Style dialog. Opening the Properties dialog from the menu and close w/ OK and the problem does NOT occur. Open the Stlye dialog from the menu and the problem happens...these appear to be the same dialogs/code but something must be different.
    Given that the function its trying to execute is actually a string with the value "style" (see my earlier post) I am very suspicuous and would like to walk the call stack on both paths to see what is different - but doing that w/ obfus code is nearly impossible.
    Let me know if you want to go offline w/ this. More than happy to help.
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