Upgrading from version 3 to 4

  •  01-31-2008, 5:18 PM

    Upgrading from version 3 to 4

    I'm starting a new thread to ask about the upgrade process from Live Support 3 to Live Support 4.  I downloaded the installation package and read the deployment guide.  This seems to assume that you are deploying a brand-new installation.  What is the process for upgrading an existing installation to version 4?
    Also I see that the SQL creates a new set of tables, all prefixed with "CuteChat4".  For example, now we have CuteChat4_SupportAgent instead of CuteChatUser.  How do we transfer configuration, users, support logs, etc. from version 3 into version 4?  I don't see an SQL upgrade script.

    One of the main reasons we purchased CuteSoft Live Support was the ability to integrate it with our existing database and our existing authentication system.  We modified the GetUserUniqueName, GetUserDisplayName, SearchUserUniqueNameByDisplayName, and SupportLogin functions in global.asax for this purpose.  I do not see these functions in global.asax in version 4.  We need to have, at a minimum, the same functionality that we have now.  How do we accomplish integration with in version 4?
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