Re: CuteChat v4 with Community Server 2007 Integration Question

  •  01-29-2008, 9:26 AM

    Re: CuteChat v4 with Community Server 2007 Integration Question

    We recently upgraded to version 4 and we are seeing behaviour that we did not with version 3.1. In version 3.1 if I closed the chat room window the next time I connected the page was blank.
    With version 4 the last chat is still active when I launch it. I need to have the old functionality back. Is there a timeout setting that logs the user off the Chatroom?
    >>With version 4 the last chat is still active when I launch it.
    Login as admin, go to chat admin console. In the room administration menu, set HistoryCount to "0".
    Thanks Adam. Worked like a champ. For those looking for a way to disable the logging that is not what this question is all about.
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