Re: Install not successful

  •  01-23-2008, 1:19 PM

    Re: Install not successful

    I have spent the weekend trying different things with no luck.
    I am running Community sever 2007 version  3.1.20917.1142, non-commercial edition. I am using hosting service
    I have tried removing the integrated software and reinstalling with no results following your deployment instructions. Same error as original post. I  then added CuteSoft_client and sub directory CuteChat using 2.0 and tried it that way and still no luck. This caused errors on the home page and unable to find file errors when I try to pull up the default.aspx file. Chat admin doesn't work and neither does messenger.
    I tried installing the stand alone version and still no luck. I added the folders to use ASP Net 2.0. I get the error below:
    The problem is it is looking for info in the web.config file in the root directory. I can't copy the web.config file over becuase the one in the root has the info for community sever. I have tried copying the contents of the supplied web.config file over but that doesn't work either.
    The other issue is I don't seem to be logging any of the errors. So I have nothing to go on to fix the problem.
    I have seen your product on the website and think it is great how it integrates into Community Sever, but I can't get it to work.

    Configuration Error

    Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.

    Parser Error Message: Could not load file or assembly 'CommunityServer.Components' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
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