Problem inserting code snippet at start of html in CE6

  •  01-22-2008, 7:11 AM

    Problem inserting code snippet at start of html in CE6

    Maybe I'm being dim but I'm having a small problem with CE 6. I'm running the latest version (as far as I'm aware) and ASP.Net 2 with Windows Server 2003.
    I have a code snippet which looks a little bit like this:
    <span style="float:right">some text</span> <span style="font-weight: bold">some more text</span>
    This snippet is repeatedly inserted at the start of a CuteEditor document/html so that the snippets form a list and the newest is at the top.
    The problem is that when I click at the very start of the html, the cursor always moves inside the first <span> tag in the html I'm editing. When I then insert new content or type anything in, it always ends up inside that <span> instead of at the very start.
    Am I missing something? Is there a button or a technique (without using the html mode preferrably) to allow me to insert content right at the very start and not in the first tag.
    Hope this makes sense.
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