Re: How to use spell check?

  •  01-15-2008, 7:05 PM

    Re: How to use spell check?

    Here is the screnario.
    I have a form and for has one text box and other is Cute Editor.
    I have one submit button to send the information to server and other button is spell check.
    When I click spell check button then it performs the spell check on textbox and try to perform check on cute editor too.
    Instead of perform spell check on the visible area of cute editor the spell check tries to perform check on the textarea which is invisible. I can perform a spell check by using the toolbar button with in a cute editor but my users wants to spell check with a click of button not clicking on one button for textbox and the click seperately on cute editor.
    I hope the image below will able to help to visualize.
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