please how do I create a simple table of contents to convert to a pdf file

  •  01-08-2008, 8:14 AM

    please how do I create a simple table of contents to convert to a pdf file

    Hi there,
    I would really appreciate if someone could help me here as this is driving me crazy
    I just want to in cute editor have a table of contents say for example
    section 1
    section 2
    blah blah...
    section 2
    blah blah....
    and have this saved as a pdf file
    I can already save as a pdf file but not with the table of contents
    the saving to pdf gives an error if the editor's html is similar to mines:
    <div><a id="goto" href="#identifier" name="goto">#goto</a><br />
    <div><a name="identifier">here</a></div>

    Can anyone help please?
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