Stylesheet with Netscape

  •  12-27-2007, 11:37 PM

    Stylesheet with Netscape

    I havethe following code:

    Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

    'Put user code to initialize the page here

    radiodesign.Attributes.Add("onClick", "unclickTags();toggleTags();showDesign()")

    radioanalytics.Attributes.Add("onClick", "unclickTags();toggleTags();showAnalytics();")

    chkshowtags.Attributes.Add("onClick", "toggleTags()")

    Editor1.ShowHtmlMode = False

    Editor1.ShowPreviewMode = False

    Editor1.ShowEnlargeButton = False

    Editor1.ShowDecreaseButton = False

    Editor1.ShowBottomBar = False

    Editor1.ShowCodeViewToolBar = False

    Editor1.EditorWysiwygModeCss = "styletemplate.css"

    Dim tc As CuteEditor.ToolControl

    tc = Editor1.ToolControls("insertcustombutonhere")

    If Not tc Is Nothing Then

    Dim Image1 As New System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label

    Image1.ToolTip = "Done"

    Image1.Text = "DONE"

    Image1.CssClass = "CuteEditorButton"

    Image1.Attributes("onclick") = "Done();"


    End If


    End Sub
    Everything works perfectlyin Firefox, IE and Netscape. THe only problem is that Netscape doesnot respect the stylesheet I set (styletemplate.css). It completely ignores it and show default formatting. I have 3 browsers open (IE, Mozilla and Netscape) andonly Netscape presents this problem.
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