Upload image to database

  •  12-12-2007, 4:57 PM

    Upload image to database

    I've downloaded the latest sample for uploading images to a SQL database. I've included the SqlFileStorage.cs file in my APP_Code directory (ASP.NET 2.0 web app), updated the connection string and created a downloadImage.aspx file with the code to download the image from the database.
    I can browse the images (there are none in the database) but when I try and upload an image, I get the following error straight after picking an image to upload.
    Failed to map the path '/image.png'
    My code in the page that uses CE is;

    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

    If Not Page.IsPostBack Then

    newsItemBodyContent.Setting("CuteEditorFileStorageType") = GetType(SqlImageStorage).AssemblyQualifiedName

    newsItemBodyContent.Setting("DownFile") = ResolveUrl("downloadImage.aspx")


    End If

    End Sub

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