Re: Got Error after upgrad to .Net Framework 3.5

  •  11-30-2007, 9:51 PM

    Re: Got Error after upgrad to .Net Framework 3.5

    I just simplely create an New web site
    Then make sure the website references AJAX Extensions.(System.Web.Extensions and System.Web.Extensions.Design),
    and place CuteEditor component into the website Bin.
    Then design the HTML and codes.
    Run the program and click the Button.
    After click, the system will comes up the AJAX error handling proccess, then got error.
    After press the "Break" , then make a watch inside the error step.
    The web.config is default, I didn't make any change,
    My environment is
    .NET Framework 3.5 (Release version)
    Visual Studio 2008 Beta 2
    CuteEditor DLL Build 2007-09-04
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