smart tags loose space in the process

  •  11-30-2007, 9:45 AM

    smart tags loose space in the process

    We copy content from word document to cute editor and has smart tags; these tags are inserted automatically. The tags do appear on the screen ok but loose the space character between words. I am pasting the part of the document having smart tags and the space between of and Ohio is removed and appears as ofOhio on the pdf report.

    <p class="MsoBodyText"><st1:city w:st="on"><font size="3">Columbus</font></st1:city><font size="3">, the capital of </font><st1:place w:st="on"><st1:state w:st="on"><font size="3">Ohio</font></st1:state></st1:place><font size="3">, is the largest city in the state.

    Also, can I disable editing of html view as editor behaves weird and loose all formatting.


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