V4.0.0,3 problems

  •  01-18-2005, 8:17 PM

    V4.0.0,3 problems

    I have installed the .3 release and almost everythging seems fixed.  One new problem is that Insert Image popsup am error message as follows:
    Interestingly enough the InsertImageGallery works OK now!  This problem did not exist before I upgraded to
    I have specified the image path as follows:
     Editor1.Setting("security:ImageGalleryPath") = server.MapPath("./web/pjohnson/images")
    also as:
     Editor1.Setting("security:ImageGalleryPath") = "~/web/pjohnson/images")
    Either of these specifications work OK for :
    and the insertImageGallery pop-up but nojoy from insertImage
    Hope for a quick solution as I am demo'ing CuteEditor to 20 people tommorow!
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