Re: contact list does not sync every time user signs on

  •  11-29-2007, 9:39 AM

    Re: contact list does not sync every time user signs on

    Thanks for the reply.
    It seems like I'm getting some advice from you now that conflicts some advice I was given a few months ago by support.
    Quick summary of what I need to do: I want a user's contact list to consist of every other user in the CuteChatUser table.  In other words, if I have 6 registered users, they should all automaticalyl appear in each other's contact list.
    In reality, we have many more users (hundreds even). Rather than execute 100 update functions to create new relationships, I was told I can just change the CuteChatRelation table to be a View instead of a Table. I created a view that simply consists of a cross join of all the existing users.
    I don't mind getting rid of the View and going back to a table if necessary, but how can I easily & practically make sure a user's contact list consists of all other contacts?
    This is pretty disappointing. I was told my View would work fine, then we spent nearly $2000 on the product, and now find out that this isn't the case.
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