Custom Dialog Integration

  •  01-18-2005, 2:42 PM

    Custom Dialog Integration

    My site has some unique requirements that necessitated the use of a few custom dialogs (InsertImage, InsertLink, and InsertTemplate). I got everything working very well with CuteEditor version 3. The code behind CuteEditor version 4 is very different and I have found the task of migrating to be difficult because I have not been able to integrate my custom dialogs completely with version 4.

    While your samples show how to call a custom dialog and then insert its resulting HTML (via editor.ExecCommand("PasteHTML",false,html);), I have found that technique works fine if the purpose of the dialog is ONLY to insert HTML (as is the case with InsertTemplate).

    But there is difficulty with InsertImage and InsertLink: While they insert HTML, there is more integration work to be done for when the user wants to edit the photo (or Link) properties AFTER they have initially inserted the photo (or Link). When a user double-clicks on a previously inserted photo, OR selects an inserted photo and then clicks on the InsertImage button - the InsertImage dialog needs to open AND display the selected photo and its various properties in my custom dialog. I accomplished this result in version 3 - but find it very difficult in version 4.

    I need to make a decision about upgrading my system and users to version 4. If I cannot fully integrate my custom dialogs, then I'll have to stay with version 3 indefinitely. I'm hoping to go to version 4 ASAP, though. Is there some sample that shows how to accomplish my objectives? I have searched read the documentation extensively and have studied the samples and have not found what I need. I have also found the JavaScript to be apparently obfuscated in a number of places so I can't tweak it to meet my needs.
    What do you suggest I do? Will full integration (as described above for the InsertImage and InsertLink dialogs) with custom dialogs be more easily accomplished in future versions of CuteEditor? Or, is it available now and I have just missed something?
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