Wrong images are appearing in my toolbar

  •  11-27-2007, 10:56 AM

    Wrong images are appearing in my toolbar

    I am using Cute Editor .net 6.0 completely embedded as a control within a .cs file.  For deployment reasons we seperate out images/css from .aspx and .cs files, and merge them on the fly with an isapi filter(that has been working for years).  In a mini site I was able to get my toolbar the way I wanted it, but when I added it to the site I plan on using it I realized that some of my toolbar images are very wrong.  In the screenshot below the bold icon is really help, the br is really redo, Italic is bold, and underline is italic...
    i have tried reverting all my config files back to the initial ones in the rollout, and i can't get it working.  any thoughts as to where I could have cross mapped images?
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