thx for your answer...
the dataproviders coming with cutechat are not useable for us because our portal is not basing on those, we coded an own in c#
we ere using internal only numbers/ids to verify users, could this make problems?
Here is the code for our Dataprovider:
SediSys.Portal.Community.WebPL.Chat {using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using SediSys.Portal.Main.BF;
publicclass SediSysSqlDataProvider : CuteChat.SqlServer.SqlDataProvider {public SediSysSqlDataProvider(string connstr):base(connstr) {
publicoverride CuteChat.UserInfoData GetUserInfo(string useruniquename) {// 234_hansi
String[] arr = useruniquename.Split('_');
int id = Convert.ToInt32( arr[0] );
DataSet ds =
new User().GetUserByID( id );if ( ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0 ) {
thrownew Exception("ERROR: Couldn't find user with id: " + id );}
DataRow row = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0];
string username = row["UserName"].ToString();
int globGroupID = Convert.ToInt32( row["GlobalGroupID"] );
bool admin = false;
if ( globGroupID == 1 ) {
admin =
returnnew CuteChat.UserInfoData(useruniquename,username,admin );}
publicoverridestring[] ListUserUniqueName() {ArrayList al=
new ArrayList();DataSet ds =
new User().GetAllUsers();//DataRow row = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0];
foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows) {
string ids = Convert.ToString( row["ID"] );
string usern = Convert.ToString( row["UserName"] );
al.Add( usern + "_" + ids);
return (string[])al.ToArray(typeof(string));
publicoverridebool IsUserNickNameExists(string nickname) {// FIXME: implement once we know how they handle this
thx for trying...