Re: IMG tags do not display in editor using FireFox 2.0?

  •  10-30-2007, 3:07 PM

    Re: IMG tags do not display in editor using FireFox 2.0?

    We are currently on 5.3.   We were planning to upgrade to 6.0 later in the year, unless there is a reason (like this issue?) to upgrade now.   Your example displays the images OK on Firefox here, the only difference I see is the specification of the path of the image.
    If you have a test website (let's call it 'TEST') which contains an .aspx page in which the editor is defined, can you recreate our problem by putting, for instance, a .jpg file (TESTFILE.JPG) into the root folder of the website, putting the following HTML into your editor and then viewing that page through Firefox?

    <div><img src="\TEST\TESTFILE.JPG" border="1" height="200" width="200"></div>

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