cssClass, autoparse and width issues

  •  10-22-2007, 8:29 AM

    cssClass, autoparse and width issues

    Hi all,
    We have an issue where by we want the cssClass drop down to populate with css styles from the defined external css file.
    This is all working fine.
    However, when the style has a fixed width it is causing the cssClass dropdown to render far to wide.
    Is there anyway to control the width of the dropdown, without removing the width from the external css (as we do want it to display at a fixed width in the actual cuteeditor content area)
    I've played with the CuteEditor\Themes\Custom\styles.css.aspx file changing
    <%=editorid%> .CuteEditorDropDown Span {font:normal 11px Tahoma;}
    <%=editorid%> .CuteEditorDropDown Span {font:normal 11px Tahoma;width:100px;overflow:hidden;}
    This however has some issues with the way the toolbar is then rendered, a space (~100px*no of items in the ccclass) dropdown is included in the toolbar area presumably during the parsing rountine.
    Is there a way to add a style attribute to the span tag that is generated by the autoparse proceedure?
    <span value="ViewDownload" html="&lt;img src='/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Images/all.gif.aspx' hspace=3 align=absMiddle border=0/>&lt;span class='ViewDownload'>ViewDownload&lt;/span>" text="ViewDownload"></span>
    could become
    <span value="ViewDownload" html="&lt;img src='/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Images/all.gif.aspx' hspace=3 align=absMiddle border=0/>&lt;span class='ViewDownload' style='width:100px;overflow:hidden'>ViewDownload&lt;/span>" text="ViewDownload"></span>
    Any help appreciated
    PS it's CuteEditor v5.3 (unfortunatley we can't move to v6.0 either! If indeed this was able to solve the problem)
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