
  •  10-22-2007, 1:48 AM


    When i call the cute chat test page (CuteChat/_safe_server_info_/default.aspx) in our server, it's throwing four CuteChat Kernal Exception.

    details here;

    Class Message
    UnauthorizedAccessException [ Access to the path 'C:\Documents and Settings\WEBSERVER\ASPNET\LOCALS~1\Temp\8c30316a' is denied. ]
    UnauthorizedAccessException [ Access to the path 'C:\Documents and Settings\WEBSERVER\ASPNET\LOCALS~1\Temp\8c30316a' is denied. ]
    UnauthorizedAccessException [ Access to the path 'C:\Documents and Settings\WEBSERVER\ASPNET\LOCALS~1\Temp\ec33947d' is denied. ]
    UnauthorizedAccessException [ Access to the path 'C:\Documents and Settings\WEBSERVER\ASPNET\LOCALS~1\Temp\ec33947d' is denied. ]

    how can i fix it?

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