Invoking the Browse.. dialog box directly from a custom HTML button

  •  10-15-2007, 6:09 PM

    Invoking the Browse.. dialog box directly from a custom HTML button

    I want to be able to invoke the dialog box below via a custom html button.
    I have the button and am using the editor.ExecCommand('InsertImage');
    Everything works fine, I just want the less complicated dialog and can't find how to do this in the Forum or in the documentation.
    I'm not interested in giving the end users the ability to set html properties for the image.
    I'm using it as a preview of the file name that is stored in a database field or is to be stored in a database field.
    I don't want ImageGalleryByBrowsing or InsertImage. They give the user too many options.
    This dialog box opens when the 'Browse..' button of the InsertImage dialog box is pressed.

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