Re: Max Image Size with AutoResizeUploadedFiles

  •  09-27-2007, 7:00 PM

    Re: Max Image Size with AutoResizeUploadedFiles

    I have tested the new DLL you provided, and that solved the problem. I will let you know if anything unusual comes of it. Thank you for your extremely prompt response and update.
    I will mention that I have been testing an issue with the maxwidth/height settings. I am finding that when I change those settings in the default.config they work initially. When I change the width using the default.config and/or programatically it does not respect the new setting. If I delete the image and re-upload it still resizes to the previous size.
    For example I start with the max width set to 150, upload and image, delete the image, set the max width to 200, upload the same image and it will size to 150 again, upload a new image I have not used before and it will size it to 200...
    I have gone through a ton of testing on this issue. Created entirely new pages with clean copies of all files and am able to re-produce the issue. Initially I had some success with replacing all cute editor files (including dll's) in my projects, but this only fixed the problem once...
    I could not figure out where it was saving that information. I checked everywhere for it. Finally I am having some limited success with the information being stored in the registry under comdlg32. All file names of images I have been uploading have been sticking in there, and cleaning those out seems to fix the issue...I'm right in the middle of that one right now though so I'm really not sure if I have a solid answer yet!
    Any thoughts you have on this issue would be appreciated.
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