For the insert image control I am setting a MaxImageWidth, MaxImageHeight and MaxImageSize as well as using the defaults for AutoResizeUploadedImages and RestrictUploadedImageDimension (both true).
I was using CE 5.1. This version of the product performed the re-sizing and image optimization previous to checking the file size against the MaxImageSize. Therefore you could start with an image larger than the actual MaxImageSize, and after the image was Auto Resized if the image size (in kb) was now below the MaxImageSize the upload would be successful.
I upgraded to CE 6.0 recently to take advantage of a few new features and have found that in this version the MaxImageSize is checked before the Auto Resize.
Is this an oversight on your part or was this done intentionally? Is there a way to have the MaxImageSize checked after Auto Resize in version 6.0?