About the next version of cute messenger

  •  09-24-2007, 7:33 AM

    About the next version of cute messenger

    I personally no nothing about asp.net. That being said I purchased web messenger and it is everything I expected it to be. What I didn't realize is that you really need to know how to program in asp to get everything an individual might want out of it. I realize that I will have to hire someone to program this app for me to my specs. The new version was due out months ago yet when the question is asked when is it coming it is ignored in the forum. I think everyone has been very patient and nice about the fact that it hasn't arrived and for that matter that the posts are ignored. My issue is that since I will be hiring someone to program the app to my specs I don't want to spend the money to do so and then tada the next day the new version is released. Can we PLEASE get  a statement to the effect of "At the latest the next version will be release (on this date)." Many of us have asked this question and no one has given us an anwser.
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