Custom Tags Break Editor

  •  09-20-2007, 9:36 PM

    Custom Tags Break Editor

    Hi All,
    We use custom formatted tags in our page content on over 900+ pages
    They use the following format as follows:
     <a href="[#126#]">adjusting</a>
    *EDIT this editor just entered http://cutesoft/ before my links should be "/[#126#]"
    <a href="[%126%]">adjusting</a>
     We find that when putinto the editor in html mode and we try to switch modes it causes a javascript error and it stops it switching.
    However i just tried it in this editor and it works without error. Anybody know what setting i have to use to stop the errors from occuring?
    Also is there a setting that tells cute editor to leave what ever i enter into it alone and not to change anything at all. It may be handy for some for it to auto edit stuff but when it starts messing and changing links ect it is starting to get really anoying.
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