Configuration Hierarchy

  •  09-19-2007, 3:38 PM

    Configuration Hierarchy

    Please forgive my English as I speak native North Idaho American.
    I have dug for days now, both through the help documents online and my stabbing here and there.
    Can someone please explaine the Configuration Hierarchy?
    I've found some of the xml files can be deleted and some can not. I've also found that when I make changes in files titled "common" and "default", I don't always get the expected result or in most cases any change at all.
    I habitually clear my cache when I work with JS, so I know I'm getting a fresh page each time.
    I need to know which files are absolutely required and how they inter-relate.
    e.g. I included a 'dropdown' item and for the life of me can not figure out how it got populated.
    Please, help me on this. I'm a detail guy so don't be afraid to spell it out for this speaker of North Idaho American.
    Thanks in advance.
    Bill Rishsew

    Work Hard! Play Harder!!
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