Re: cute messager question

  •  09-09-2007, 5:57 PM

    Re: cute messager question

    Turns out I had to add ~/ to the beginning of the 'scr=' file location like this [ <%@ Register TagPrefix="CuteChat" TagName="EmbedMessenger" src="~/cutesoft_client/cutechat/embedmessenger.ascx" %> ] Then it was just a matter of moving the other part of the code[ <CuteChat:EmbedMessenger id="EmbedMessenger1" runat="server"></CuteChat:EmbedMessenger> ] around within themes/[themename]/common/home.aspx untill I had it just where I wanted it.
    Paste the following at the top but below the other lines that look similar in your themes/[themename]/common/home.aspx file
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="CuteChat" TagName="EmbedMessenger" src="~/cutesoft_client/cutechat/embedmessenger.ascx" %>
    Then add the following wherever you want the messenger to appear on your page:
    <CuteChat:EmbedMessenger id="EmbedMessenger1" runat="server"></CuteChat:EmbedMessenger>
    I currently have cute chat implemented within my CS07 site.
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