Re: Bug with the downloadable file link!

  •  01-07-2005, 6:27 AM

    Re: Bug with the downloadable file link!

    also while playing found another bug....

    If you double click an image already in thge page the image property windows appears, then if you change things like the border link colour etc and then insert, that works fine.

    Then if you select the picture and add a url to it

    then double click the picture again and say change the border and then select insert it breaks the link, as its messed up the html see example of what it did below:

    Before i selected the image again:

    <P>&nbsp;<A href=""><IMG height=53 hspace=0 src="/Uploads/j0262681.jpg" width=80 align=baseline border=0></A></P></TD>

    After I made a couple of slight changes:

    <P>&nbsp;<IMG height=53 hspace=5 src="/Uploads/j0262681.jpg" width=80 align=baseline vspace=5 border=1><A href=""></A></P></TD>

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