Bug with the downloadable file link!

  •  01-07-2005, 6:18 AM

    Bug with the downloadable file link!

    I have even tried it on http://cutesoft.net/asp/EnableAll.asp and it behaves the same as the code I am running
    follow the above link 
    1. Click the image of the smiling girl so its selected and the boxes around it appear
    2. Select the downloadable files menu button
    3. Select any picture and select insert
    4. Then click the picture again so its selected and the boxes around it appear
    5. Then select the downloadable files menu button again
    6. Within IE I then get an JS error
    Error as follows:

    Line: 345
    Char: 5
    Error: Object doesn't support this property or method
    Code: 0
    URL: http://cutesoft.net/asp/EnableAll.asp

    PLEASE FIX - as this is a bug and i have clients who have complained about it.....

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