May have found the solution for Cassini problem

  •  08-27-2007, 4:37 PM

    May have found the solution for Cassini problem

    Hi Adam,
    I played around with this issue and narrowed it down to the LoadControl command. Did some Googling and came across which describes a similar problem.
    Here's the situation: tag.aspx tries to load the control using:
          Control ctrl=LoadControl("Tag//"+tabcontrol); 
    This doesn't sit well with Cassini (or other non-IE web servers) which needs an expanded path, like this:
          Control ctrl = LoadControl("~/Cutesoft_Client/CuteEditor/Dialogs/Tag/" + tabcontrol);
    That would be fine and an easy fix, but we've renamed the Cutesoft_Client folder as "c_client" and the subfolder as "ce" and have defined that in FilesPath, so it needs to be like this:
          Control ctrl = LoadControl("~/c_client/ce/Dialogs/Tag/" + tabcontrol);
    BTW, it has to be single forward slash, not double...
    How can we modify tag.aspx to use the FilesPath property?
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