Toolbar icons show incorrectly

  •  08-24-2007, 9:10 AM

    Toolbar icons show incorrectly

    I have a cuteEditor control which has a custom toolbar I created.


    <item type="g_start" />

    <item type="image" name="Bold" imagename="bold"/>

    <item type="image" name="Italic" imagename="italic"/>

    <item type="image" name="Underline" imagename="under" />

    <item type="g_end"/>

    <item type="g_start" />

    <item type="image" name="netspell" imagename="spell" />

    <item type="image" name="InsertChars" imagename="specialchar" />

    <item type="table" />

    <item type="image" name="InsertImage" imagename="eximage" />

    <item type="g_end"/>

    The bold, Italic and Underline icons do not show correctly. It shows a question mark image for bold, bold image for italic and italic image for underline.
    Also, it shows 'clock' image for special characters.
    I have verified that I have all images for all toolbar icons in the images folder.
    What could be wrong?
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