Re: Updating full page causes error with Link tag

  •  08-16-2007, 10:40 PM

    Re: Updating full page causes error with Link tag

    It is not resolved. 
    If you paste the above text, as I instructed, it will produce the error.  Are you not reading what I write?  I am taking the time to report the error and provide a sample with explanation which is repeatable.
    Once again:
    I pasted the above text into your editor sample link you sent me.  When I do - it doubles up the "/" on the <link> tag.
    Now - to clarify some.  It does not crash your editor or the browser while editing.  It crashes the browser from the resulting change (remember - we are using your editor to manage our code)  Therefore, the resulting change will make invalid code with ASP.NET will crash when it runs.
    I put a hack into my code

    sEditor.Text = sEditor.Text.Replace("/ />", "/>")

    But not sure it catches all changes your editor makes.  I really need this resolved.  I am using version  Is this the latest?
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