Re: Process text after "Insert Templates"

  •  08-14-2007, 4:33 AM

    Re: Process text after "Insert Templates"

    Hi Adam,
    Thanks for your response. Basically, I am using the templates to generate the texts of letters and e-mails which are transmitted later. The template will say something like: "Dear %name%". After I load the template, I then process the text and substitute "%name%" for, say, "Adam".
    I am currently achieving this by placing my own custom button, which the user presses straight after loading the template ... but that makes it a bit "clunky". I have tried changing the template button so that it does a postback, but the postback happens before the template gets loaded (actually it never loads if the button executes a post back).
    Thus, I was just wondering if there was any event where I could capture this. As you allude to in your question, it might be possible to do something in the template dialog (InsertTemplate.aspx) where you call do_insert() ... but that looks like it might be a bit fiddly!
    Any suggestions welcome!
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