How to Pass Windows User ID to Cute Chat

  •  08-13-2007, 8:12 PM

    How to Pass Windows User ID to Cute Chat

    I've got Cute Chat 3.1 (.NET 2.0) running on an IIS server on my AD domain. I have set the IIS server to require integrated Windows auth, such that I can retreive the AD user id via the LOGON_USER value from the Request.ServerVariables object. I can also then set a browser session variable such that it will carry that user id through the IE session.
    My question is: How can I pass this user id variable on to Cute Chat such that it will automatically use it for the user's ID. No need for a user database per se, just need Cute Chat to use the user id I've already declared. I'm hoping to have all the chat users' names automatically filled in, and they not see any Cute Chat login prompt.
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