Problem with WSS 3.0 ...

  •  08-08-2007, 9:08 AM

    Problem with WSS 3.0 ...


    I have a problem with WSS. When I type http://sitename/ in my navigator, it would to redirect to http://sitename/default.aspx. I added "default.aspx" in the document tab on IIS. Nevertheless, if I type http://sitename/default.aspx, it works perfectly. The navigator returns 403 error ("This website requires you to log in"... :S)

    Another problem (both can be relacionated...): I can't open files in Sharepoint. I can open pages perfectly, but I can open files. The navigator returns 404 error (but the files exist, and they are in the correct place).

     ¿Any idea?

     Thanks, and sorry for my English.


    Alberto Fojo

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