Re: HELP Needed (Disable formatting code in <PRE> Tags)

  •  07-15-2007, 1:34 AM

    Re: HELP Needed (Disable formatting code in <PRE> Tags)

    Adam, You misunderstood my question
    What i want is basically, when i switch the editor between normal and html mode, it will not change my code at all
    including the space and indentation.
    and I dont want any script tag
    for e.g, I need to be able to put some code inside the <pre></pre> tag
    You can try yourself, pasting some c# code inside pre tag , and when you switch to edit mode for the first time, it works ok
    All the indentation still there, however, if you switch to html mode, then edit mode, it will remove all the indentation and space.
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