Re: Are you still updating CuteEditor 6.0?

  •  07-11-2007, 12:51 PM

    Re: Are you still updating CuteEditor 6.0?

    You honestly can't see my problem?  Really?

    Ok, I'll state it as plainly as possible - the current approach to versioning is nonstandard and confusing.  I have no idea if version 6.0 is stable, or if Adam is going to be doing another bugfix tomorrow, forcing me to upgrade yet again.

    And no, the standard way of doing things is not hotfixes, unless you're microsoft or something.  The standard way of doing things is to make sure your code works before doing a release.  If you screw up and need to update your software after doing a release, you should increment the version number in some way, so as to make clear which version someone is running.  Once you have a stable release out and want to add features, you start work on a new version.  Once all those new features are tested, you release a version upgrade, and thus the cycle repeats.

    If you really can't see my problem, I guess there isn't much I can do for you.  I would simply suggest that you take a look around and see how other companies do versioning.  You will quickly see that the current method is nonstandard and confusing.

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