Adding Applet in Firefox

  •  07-06-2007, 9:28 AM

    Adding Applet in Firefox

       I have a need to implement MathML (a standard of XML to display mathematical equations) in the editor. I have found some applets for input and view of the MathML. I've added a custom button which opens a custom dialog in order for the user to input his equation in the Input Applet. When the user hits OK, the MathML is then transfered fromt he dialog to the Editor, where I wrap it in an applet before pasting the html of the applet to the editor.
    The applet definition looks like this:
     <applet archive="..." codebase="..." code="..." width="200" height="100">
     <param name="eq" value="<math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow></math>">
    Everything works fine in IE, but in Firefox, nothing shows.
    I tried to add the literal HTML with PasteHTML, setHTML functions. Then I tried to add the Javascript Node of the applet directly to the Editor.GetDocument().body, but it fails
    I've tried alerts of the Editor.GetDocument().body.innerHTML, and the HTML is ok, the applet is full, but when I alert the Editor.getHTML(), the parameter tags of the applet are stripped off the applet, they're gone.
    Is there a way for me to bypass this in some way? to make this work?
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