Possible Bug #1 for Version CutEditor v6.0

  •  06-21-2007, 8:31 AM

    Possible Bug #1 for Version CutEditor v6.0

    When the editor control contains the following html:

        <p>[&amp;]</p>\r\n<p><strong>paragraph 2</strong></p>\r\n

    after calling the CleanUpMicrosoftWordHTML() methods, the Text property correctly returns the following:

        "<p>[&amp;]</p>\r\n<p><strong>paragraph 2</strong></p>\r\n"

    However, when I enter the following HTML into the Editor control:


    the Text property now returns after calling the CleanUpMicrosoftWordHTML()method:


    Note the extra escaping of the &amp; entity.

    Surely a bug?


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