.Net Editor 6.0 rendering as textbox in IE6

  •  06-18-2007, 3:39 PM

    .Net Editor 6.0 rendering as textbox in IE6

    greetings - we are evaluating version 6.0 of the editor and have followed the deployment instructions. We are using VS 2003. The component drags into our aspx page fine and the app compiles under Debug however the CE Editor control is rendered as a plain text box.

    I suspected  something to do with config files and so included the 'FilesPath' element in the web.config file. Once we got the path right it stopped complaining but no luck with the rendering problem.+

    The Configuration Path property is blank. We tried entering a path there and got a runtime error (another story) and the documentations zseems to indicate that it is only needed if a custom config is to be used.

    Anyone have any ideas?


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