Minimum Height for the editor? Is there one?

  •  06-14-2007, 9:57 AM

    Minimum Height for the editor? Is there one?

    I need to have the editor be no more than 100 pixels high.

    In IE this does not seem to be a problem.

    The inside dimensions of the editor match what I set height and width to be.

    In Firefox,  the inside height will not be less than 150 pixels. Even if I set it to be only  Height="75", the editor is still too large on the browser.

    In general in Firefox, if the editor is set to Height="400", then that results in the entire editor being 400 px high, whereas in IE the specified height seems to apply only to the inside of the editor instead of the entire editor box.

    (for this tiny editor, I have the toolbar turned off, and am showing the footer bar so if a user wants it larger after the page is loaded, they can click the +/-)

    Does anyone know if there's a minimum height the editor can be? Or is this a browser issue? Or do I need to do something differently?

    Thank you.

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