Setting editor height/width and bottom button visibility within CommunityServer integration?

  •  05-31-2007, 1:31 PM

    Setting editor height/width and bottom button visibility within CommunityServer integration?

    Our web application is integrated with CommunityServer, and we also use a rich text editor elsewhere in the application.  We'd like to convert to using CuteSoft everywhere.  I have downloaded the CuteSoft editor and also followed the integration with CS procedure, and things are running well.
    However, the UI for our application restricts the width of the page, and I need to somehow limit the width of the CuteSoft editor when it is generated into the CommunityServer pages.  I think there is a wrapper that generates the code for the CuteSoft editor into the CS pages, so I don't think I have direct control of setting the attributes. 
    I have tried restricting the toolbar buttons, which works fine, but the width of the editor still pushes out our page width and destroys the layout (circled header areas in the image below).
    Also, how can I set ShowBottomBar, ShowDecreaseButton and ShowEnlargeButton to false in this case?
    Thank you for your help!
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