Extra Line Breaks

  •  05-29-2007, 4:40 PM

    Extra Line Breaks

    I have several thousnd documents that are stored in a database. When I call one into the editor it is formatted as intended...until I either raise a postback event or switch to html mode. When I do this the formatting is destroyed because the editor adds line breaks all over the place. I have retrieved the output from the database and pasted the results into an html doc and the format is beautiful. So I know that the editor is adding breaks, not anything else in my code. I am positive. I have scoured the forum and I see that others have had similar problems but I cannot find a single post telling me how to fix this. This has been reporduced on the example pages on this site, in version 5 and 6. I am using version 6 after upgrading to try to eliminate this problem. No luck. Can someone please help me.

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