A element issue

  •  05-26-2007, 3:25 PM

    A element issue

    You can download this 25mb .mov file right click and save then view
    the steps are for firefox on the mac
    this simulates the alteration of html that may occur by editor on submission depending on how the user enters text and other tags
    create two paragraphs in editor
    put an anchor at the begining of each paragraph
    open into html view
    identify first anchor <a id="" name=""></a> [editor places anchor open and close components of a element on one line, great]
    place cursor between <a id="" name=""> and </a> componenets of the first a element (so right before the first  </a> place your cursor)
    press keyboard return button once
    now you have first anchor looking like this
    <a id="" name="">
    and second anchor looking like this
    <a id="" name=""></a>
    return to normal view
    >> missing first paragraph

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